Run: Fartlek Previous Next


4.3 mi


6:59 mi


30 F


Did a fartlek ladder 2min, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2 were the on sets. 2 minutes rest throughout!

We paced based on feel - I was with Bryce and Nate for the first two but then would fall back about 50-80 meters behind them for the last 4. I was not feeling particularly bad, I just am not as fit as the two of them yet - especially cardiovascularly.

This was preceded by a 2 mile warmup at 7:20 pace and followed by a 1 mile cooldown at 7:45 pace. I'm not sure what our on, off pace was but we averaged 7 minute pace for the whole shebang according to Bryce's watch. This means we were probably fartleking between 5:40 and 6 minute pace.

I can't wait until I am more fit! It will be a grand ole time!

sidenote: I tried GU Brew Chocolate Smoothie flavor afterwards with just water - it tasted great! I will definitely be looking for this again.
