Swim: Easy Previous Next


3900 yd


1:40 / 100yd

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Felt good! My arms felt really tired during the IM sets - but that'll come back once I'm in shape I think. This was the perfect length workout for me... Not too short but not too long either.

600 choice warmup

5x100 pull build

3x (3x100IM, 100 recovery, 400 steady, 2min rest)

1st set held 2:00 interval for IM (came in at 1:30) then 100 easy, then 6:40 for 400

2nd set held 2:00 interval for IM (came in at 1:35) then 100 easy, then 6:20 for 400

3rd set held 1:55 interval for IM (came in at 1:40) then 100 easy, then 6:10 for 400

100 easy

2x50 kick

150 cooldown

random 50
