Bike: Steady Run (Bike Previous Next


20.7 mi


20.03 mi / hr


I felt good the whole time. I realized that if I was going uphill and lost any of my momentum, that I would not be able to regain it until the road was flat again. Even if the road was ever-so -slightly uphill. This is something I would like to work on.

I tried the strawberry clif gel and it tasted like strawberry candy - very fake. I probably won't be getting that flavor again.

The cannondale shifted flawlessly and was relatively noise free unless I was climbing (squeaky crank? I should get that looked at) or was in a low rear gear and high front.

Caesar's creek, again, was flawless to ride around. I got passed by less than 10 cars the entire ride. I can actually only remember about 5 passing me but there had to be more.
