Swim: Easy Previous Next


4350 yd


1:30 / 100yd

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800yd warmup

4x100 pull breath 3, 5, by 50

3x (3x50, 50 on 1min, 4x50, 50 on 1min, 3x100, 100 easy)

1st rep 50s on 50, 100s on 1:35

2nd 50s=45, 100s=1:30

3rd 50s=45, 100s=1:25

I hit everything but just barely on the last set of 100s

16x25 on 40s IM order (4 of each) down cruise, back sprint

I hit 14seconds or so for the freestyle on the last ones! Push off of the wall too

200yd cooldown

I pulled my lower back on the hard butterfly ones - gotta watch that in the future.
