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6 mi


Ran a 600 at goal 800 race pace then 5 x 200 also at 800 goal pace. The workout was fun because if one were to miss their time on the 600 by more than a second (on either side) they had to do that many penalty laps. Sean Dillon had to do six... I felt really bad for him.

I on the other hand ran like this: 1:27.5 (goal pace was 1:27), 30.3, 29.2, 28.4, 29.7, 28.3

The rest was an 800 after the 600 and then 200 meters after each of the 200s

There was also a really nasty headwind that we could not get away from. All of this combined to make me really happy with my workout in general! I think this is the first workout of the outdoor season that I am completely pleased with.
