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7 mi


Ran a terrible workout.

Supposed to go 400, 600, 400, 200 at goal mile pace and then 800, 300, 800, 300 at date 800 pace

Goal mile was 4:30, date pace was 2:22.5 per mile

Rest during the mile was 200 after intervals. 5 minutes in between set. 300 jog after both 800 and 300s

Ran 63, 1:44, 67, 33 so pretty much on pace. Into the second set my legs kept cramping up only 200meters into the 800. I ran a few laps to try and loosen up and get ready for the second 800 but it was no use.

To cope, I stretched a ton and ran my cooldown at 6:30 pace indoors...
