Run: Long Previous Next


8.5 mi


7:19 mi

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Ran this at night, it was a nice calm, damp 40 degree evening. Cloudy and a little sleet, just barely.

Anyway, the run is really peaceful and flat and meditative. The only problem is that at night the lunken/armsleder loop portion of it is too secluded for me to feel safe. No really, I spent a good portion of the run trying to figure out the best position to lie in should I have a heart attack - to increase the chances of them finding my body. Yeah, it was a weird run to be sure haha...

Legs felt pretty good though! calves were a tad tight but this is okay - the calf raises after the runs are helping! keep doing them!



I usually spend portions of my runs through secluded areas trying to decide what I'd do if a wild animal popped out of the woods and attacked me. Way more fun than thinking about heart attacks...