Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:11 PM

3.1 mi


8:59 mi


187 bpm
199 bpm



M1 08:13 (Pace: 8:13 / Mi)

M2 16:21 (Pace: 8:08 / Mi)

M3 26:59 (Pace: 10:38 / Mi)

I ran the first 2 miles hard, then I walked for one-tenth of a mile to recover a bit before I started running at a much slower pace for 1 more mile.

I am really out of shape. Look at the average heart rate! And the max! I was supposed to start training for the TOU six weeks ago after taking two weeks off after Windermere. It has been 8 weeks! I was looking forward to piggy-backing off my training for Windermere and starting the FIRST program. I think I was ready for it, but not anymore! There goes TOU . . . again! I hope someday that I can run a sub-4 and then work toward qualifying for Boston.

My goal for the rest of the summer is to lose at least 20 lbs. I have just recently started reducing my daily caloric intake (I'm on day 4) to around 1200 calories a day -- give or take a couple hundred calories. I will be walking more and running less while dieting. I just won't have the energy to make significant improvement in my running pace or endurance while I focus on losing weight, but when I reach my goal I will increase my running as I increase my caloric intake. So for the next several weeks I might feel like I'm not improving my running, but in the long term, I will because losing all this excess weight will help me run faster, eventually. That is the plan, anyway. It is a bit counter-intuitive because running is supposed to help people lose weight, but all the stress I've had in my life the last several months has more or less counteracted much of the weight loss benefits of running -- in my opinion. I really do need to eat less and train myself to eat small portions. I am a real glutton when it comes to eating, and I need to learn to eat in moderation. Running hasn't helped much because it sort of encourages me to just be a glutton. E.g. "Why not eat a half gallon of ice cream today? I'm running 10 miles tomorrow." That was my sort of reasoning.

Nevertheless, even though I'm more focused on energy input rather than output this summer, I do hope to run a 5k in August, and I hope to run it under 24 minutes, but I won't be doing any serious training for a long distance run yet. If the 5k goes well and the weight loss goes well, then maybe I'll do a half marathon in early October. Otherwise I'll have to take the next several months to get back to a fitness level where I can start the FIRST program, and I'll do a spring marathon and try for a sub-4 then. Salt Lake Marathon? Ogden? One or the other. I'm not giving up on TOU though. Some year I'll do it. I love Utah marathons -- they are on Saturdays and they have elevation drops. Lucky for me I live in a hilly area so I can train for downhill running.
