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9:21 AM

20 mi


7:26 mi


50 F
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Beautiful, beautiful day for a run!! Did the first 10 with Megan and Emily! The cool weather felt extra good after the Atlanta warmth and humidity. Foot had no problems at all for first 13 miles, last 7 I could feel it a bit, but really not bad at all. Hoping that with stretching and massaging and icing and taking meds it will be okay.

This was an interesting run because it did not feel that long or challenging..kept the pace pretty good and didn't let myself really push at all. It was great that 20 miles could just cruise by (Megan and Emily definitely helped with that!!!) But I was also tired from my trip and lack of sleep the past few nights and I think that prevented me from feeling really amazing.

I've decided given the foot issues that I will change my max mileage to 80 (instead of 90), which brings down what I do each week. I hope this will allow me to be more consistent and do all the workouts, which has to be better than breaking myself down and having to take time off. So far I have not missed a workout or gone under 60 mpw and I hope to maintain that. If things end up getting a lot better I can try to ramp up again but until then I will go with this strategy. Given this I am definitely going to push myself more to do all the supplementary training like strength and core!!
