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8:09 AM

19 mi


6:43 mi


80 F
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This was a tough day, so I was happy with the outcome! In Philly for the VW Labor Day Reunion, so Mike and Steve helped me to get to the canal path there and Steve biked with me for the first 8 miles. I was tired after the first 90 mile week in awhile and it was so very humid. Most I have ever sweat I think; my clothes were soaked. I've been so spoiled all summer- this was real summer weather I guess :) It was overcast at first, but then the same came out and oh man it was warm. It was up to 82 when I finished with 75% humidity yikes! At least the canal path really did not have hills! Would have been struggle city otherwise. I started off the run feeling a bit sore and achy and already sweaty, so I knew that I was going to have work for this workout a little more. I was very happy to be at around 6:20 and under for the marathon pace. The first tempo also went well, but then after that I was having a tough time and became very thirsty. Steve had to go back to meet Mike so I didn't have any water after the first hour, and I think that contributed to how tired/sick I felt towards the end. Need to remember my little handheld water bottle in the future! I was hoping to run a bit faster for the second tempo- I started it with the 16th mile and it at 6:08 pace when I switched to cooldown. I was just done. It definitely helped to get take it one mile at a time. The gel was good too.

The workout was:

4 miles E

40 min marathon (6:15-6:20)

5 min tempo (5:57)

30 min marathon (6:14-6:20)

5 min tempo (6:08)

2.3ish miles cooldown
