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8:59 AM

3.1 mi


5:38 mi


160 bpm
167 bpm


39 F


7 / 10
7 / 10

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Overall, I am pleased with the effort. Came into the race in not the greatest of shape. No confidence in being able to run below 6 minute pace. Plan was to ignore the watch and just run by feel. Looking at the heart rate, I would say I did that fairly well.

The start was a typical cluster f$ck. We are standing around with a minute or so to go to the start and we hear a horn. We all jump and start to go. Someone yells no. Then another horn and they say go. ARGH.

Group of 7 or 8 (including Brian) got out harder than me. I was sitting somewhere around 10th and about 20 meters back from the lead pack. Just tried to get comfortable. Started closing in on them as we winded around the turn. Actually took the lead for a short while at about 3/4, but then quickly gave that up. Hit the mile in 5;23 and was very pleased. Mile 2 rolls a bit and I was just trying to keep turning them over. Felt strong, but didn't feel like I had another gear. So, I just kept at it. The runners ahead of me seemed to be picking it up a bit, oh well.

Mile 2 in 5:36 -- thought it was faster, but it's still faster than I have run lately!

The last 1.1 I tried throwing in some surges to try to close the gap on the runners in front of me -- no good. :(

Still happy with the effort. Once I get this hip cleared up, I think things will start popping.

On a plus side, I felt like I could have kept going for another few miles at that 5:42 pace. :-)
