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10:00 AM

10 km


6:37 mi


64 F


10 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result



dissapointed with time. tried something new this morning knowing it was not a big race for me. I had a snickers energy bar early 6:30, mug of coffee from 7-8, coffee refill around 8:30. Went out feeling good and well within myself. at about 1.5 miles i started to have stomach issues. pain, not necesarrily like a cramp but miserable feeling. knew i had to push through it. field sorted out by 2.5 miles. i was in 6th, at about 4 miles after having to run through walkers going in both directions in the way i got passed again into 7th. started to let the guy pull out then decided that i wasn't going to lose the place without trying, and beside I was starting to hear someone else coming up from behind and I just wasn't going to let that happen, he actually probably pushed me enough to catch back up to the other guy. followed him slowly bringing him back and passed him back at about 6.08 miles then after we made the final turn we had an all out full bore sprint to the finish and I held him off litteraly by like inches. then after congratulating him i went over to the side of the road and gave a couple of good dry heaves. The quality of the run was not so great, but I am very pleased with my effort, that I put the time aside and raced the people around me until there was nothing left.
