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0 hrs


Well, raising volume is going well, although I seem to have lowered my immune system somewhat, so I'm going to halt increasing my volume for a week.

I have access to a pool and a treadmill but no access to aqua jogging, so simulating some workouts will be difficult unless I make special arrangements.

I'm seeing a doctor in Buffalo this week, because it only costs $40 when I'm in Buffalo. If he doesn't clear me (which I do not expect to happen) then I will certainly sit the first meet out (at least).

Hopefully, he'll give me good news. I haven't even noticed the knee the past 2 days, but when I was flying into buffalo sitting all day, I could feel it.

I've been rather slack with the weights. I mean on the one hand, it might be less crucial to lift because I swim and do rehab exercises, but I probably should get on the ball.

