POWER WALK: Default Previous Next


4:45 PM

14 mi


8.57 mi / hr


145.2 lb
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<No name>


Drank Milk immediately before and ate a yogurt 10 min after finished, on the advice of a book I read. I will start adding this sort of refueling, as it should enable me to accept higher volumes of cross training without burning out.

Dr. Nicola told me that setting high treadmill incline and walking about 3.3 mph, I can get my heart rate to 150+, which is excellent, because its very difficult to keep it high when I aqua jog (120), or snorkle (130-140). Even freestyle is only (140-150), but when I held the heart rate monitor, I got 167 walking (opps).

Dr. Nicola says to cease running, but he thinks I can be fixed in 3 weeks or so, and he thinks the prognosis is very good - I'm so glad I went to see him.

I would normally have gone 2-a-day, but I didn't have enough time to go swim after this.

Assuming its really not beating up my knee, this was the best cross training I've had since I rowed- I actually felt like I had gone for a long run. Legs felt tried. Metabolism felt altered afterward. I'm very impressed with this form of cross training.



As a side note, I'm starting to get a bit concerned about how quickly I'm dropping weight, but I think that might have just been a bit dehydrated the last 2 times I stepped on a scale, but this is way too fast to go from 148 to 145.
