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4.3 mi


7:00 mi


145.6 lb
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Saw the Doctor. MRI looks totally normal, and I am told that whatever is wrong with me will not require surgery.

Then again, Joe Sullivan's MRI's look normal.

I don't buy Dr. Pope's Hamstring Tendonitis Theory anymore, I've definitely seen improvements as I've refocused efforts on my calf, which is what I was doing at the end of winter quarter when I was feeling better. I think Dr. Reider is right that I've suffered some sort of calf muscle injury, but it is not so severe to show up on an MRI (or to hinder me in any noticeable way). When I run nowadays, I don't feel any pain that I would register on the 1-10 pain scale, but sometimes I can tell that things are feeling a bit weird.

When I run, I feel normal, but I've noticed that I have equal strength on right and left with calf raise and hamstring curl, but if I am contracting my calf as I am engaging my hamstring at the same time, my right side is very, very much weaker than the left, which I think is the primary problem at this point. Hopefully, I can straighten this out and be good as new. I might even run this season.
