Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5 mi


6:24 mi

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<No name>


So If they had road races in the slush, I would win.

I did like 2 workout groups better than normal in the slush and the wind. Although I did well, I almost rolled my ankle in a ditch like twice.


We are currently enroute to rendezvous with Captains Wen, Doss, Spigel, and Butler. Lt. Cmdr Leffler insists that I not push the warp engines too hard, but she is confident. Nonetheless, the Briar Patch is notorious for the wide areas in which warp travel is impossible.

(4:2:2:3) Beta shift: Lt. Larsen at sensors,

Lt. Larsen: Commander, I am detecting a localized phemonon comming out of subspace approximately 2 parsecs away. It does not match any known phenomena.

Cmdr Drake: All stop, shields up. Narrow range sensor scan.

Larsen: Working.

Ensign Gao: We currently have zero thrust, but we are drifting towards to phenomena at 10000 kph.

Drake: I hardly call that drift.

Drake: Captain to the bridge.

Captain: Acknowledged; on my way.

Larsen: It reads similar to a pulsar, but it seems that its mass is in subspace, yet it seems that there is a strong force pulling us in.

Drake: Are we in any danger?

(Enter Captain Port Turbolift)

Captain: Report.

Drake: We have encountered some kind of subspace phenomena similar to a subspace pulsar in our path. It seems to be pulling us in at around 10000 kph.

Captain: Recommendations?

Drake: Reverse thrust with full impulse.

Larsen: Launch a class IV probe.

Captain: Lets see the data.

Lt. Sruval: Probe ready.

Captain: Launch.

Sruval: Probe Launched.

(Captain walks hunches over Larsens display looking at probe telemetry)

Sruval: Probe Lost.

Captain: Interesting – Helm. Full Impulse perpendicular to the radius between us and the phenomena. That should break us free.

Gao: Aye Aye.

Larsen: It appears to be working.

Captain: Sruval, prepare a warning beacon. Conn transmit our data to Starfleet and resume course for our rendezvous. Warp 5. Drake, you have the bridge.
