Run: Easy Previous Next


3 mi


10 / 10
9 / 10


What the heck, didn't get chaffy legs, I think I'm figuring out how to dress myself like a man, not a child.

pretty good, kinda sore, stiff, went out kinda medium, ended up decently fast, with a broken conversation breathing at the end. Then a stupid dog came up and knocked one of my virbams off with its face. When it came up behind me I just started bringing my heal up high, then it breezed past'em and the back came out. So I turned around with a grunt and looked at him. Then he stopped cold. I believe he is totally uninjured.

Did get a rub wound on the side of my foot, guess I better buy some tape for there. or maybe not. I'll neopsorene and sit it till saturday.

Summary: Effort 2 high, but had good stride last mile. Remember the feeling stu, gliding, lay foot down, pull through pull knee up and foot effortless as it goes forward.
