Run: Interval Previous Next


5:24 AM

4.6 mi


9:02 mi


155 lb


45 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map



Exhausted when I got up after hitting the snooze 2 times. Not sure why, but I just could not get going this morning. Decided to try some mile repeats anyway. Good warm-up jog to the KeWash trail with some drills when I got there. About a mile away from home and did some static stretches before taking off. 1st mile I took off WAY TOO FAST. I think i not only saw 6:17, 6:05, but 5:5? by then it was too late and definitely was able to keep it going to get a decent 6:29, but the next two miles I struggled. Jogged a little, but walked most of the resting time in between miles. Saw 7:0? a few times on my last mile, but did well to start out with around 6:30-35 on that last mile and finished with that, too. Even after my cool down I'm sitting here feeling like I could go back to sleep.

This really felt like North LIberty a week ago. I could see the 6:45 and 6:50, but felt like I was doing everything I could to keep that pace. Helpless feeling, but also makes me realize maybe I didn't feel as good running that last race.

Cross training on off running days is going well w/ P90X. Thinking of adding in a cardio workout on those days once in a while. Here are my mile splits...back to reality...




Tanner says he picked up a 5K form for me yesterday for race in CR on Saturday. I'm already pd and registered for the 12th, but we'll see...maybe we can run it together for a training run.
