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7:15 AM

8 mi


8:10 mi


195 lb
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with flat foot at Antelope gym. Not comfortable but doable. Foot started hurting at toes. Not sure if it was a bad treadmill, flat foot insoles, shoes too tight, or just one of those days. But at least I kept the pace. 8:20 all the way until last 21:00 minutes, went to 8:00, then progressed last couple of minutes. Cool down was down to 8:13, then progressed again to to sub 7:00's. I know, I know, so much for a cool down. I'll slow down tommorrow. Need to turn 2 of my 6's into 7miles to make up for the 2.04 I didn't do today, since it was supposed to be a 10 miler, but work held me up from running with the team, and I wasn't feeling like running at all after that.... Now go back to work..
