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8.1 mi

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<No name>


5x(2x200 w/200j (~30s) 800 (goal:2:08)with 200 hard on the end (1k continuous), 800j) Alot of stuff lined up to make it a crappy day for me. Wish I could have toughed through it but I don't know if that would have been possible. Exhausted and stuffy from this sickness (a bit better than yesterday, so will keep working in the right direction.) also had some bad GI issues. Hit the first 2 800s within 2-3 seconds of goal pace, then the last three were abysmal, I may as well have not done them. Just letting it go, focusing on getting healthy, because I know I have more in the tank for another run at the 5K in a few weeks. Staying positive, I'm in great shape, this was just one day
