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8:00 AM

13.2 mi


9:13 mi


34 F

Race Result



I race

to see the bald eagle when I run along the valley floor, knowing that a 550-foot climb awaits me, while the eagle glides. There is an estate along the Blackburn river that I would enjoy, beautiful in grey stone and wood frame, so large that from a half-mile away its windows are large enough to view. How residents out this way in Jackson County found the money and the time to build their homes is an interesting occurrence. Trashy ambience mixed with retired wealth makes for strange neighborhoods.

Early on, once we dove into the valley and ran along the river, I learned to stay out of the shade, opting for the warmth of the sun in the valley. That warmth was no longer necessary, given that we climbed back up to the ridge. The route along the ridge only brought varied terrain. Actually, varied terrain is a misnomer. Running up on the ridge was hilly, very hilly. The good news is that I pushed that section hard, keeping to my self-imposed goal for the race.

Not until the last half mile, when a steep and long hill appeared, did I pack it in. I walked up that damned thing. Then I picked up my pace, only to find another steep hill. The race actually finished on a steep uphill. Leaving the question begging of who plans a course like this?

It gets better. No one told me that the finish line was some 4 miles from the start and my car. I ran slowly back, turning a race day into a very long run.
