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10:35 AM

5 km


8:06 mi

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<No name>


Geico Classic

I don't know what is wrong with me. I thought I had been doing just about everything right. I don't eat fast food, get in some speed work, and take it easy the day before a meet. Then I go out there and do terrible. I knew it wasn't going to be a good race for me from the beginning, the heat and humidity always gets to me and it was definitley bad this morning. I couldn't focus on the race because they turned the sprinklers on at the starting line before we ran. Then when the gun fired the other girl on my team ran infront of me as everybody else was trying to funnel in so then I was blocked in by a mass of slower people. On the first curve I had to take the outer route since I was trying to pass people. Less than three minutes in my foot was already giving me trouble. My first mile was still really good but I forgot to look at the clock at mile 2. By the last 1000 meters I was having major problems. I was lightheaded and dizzy, at that point I was thinking I'd be lucky to finish the race. I tried to sprint once I got on the track but I kicked it too early and 5 girls passed me with less than 50 meters left. Once I finished I don't remember much but I think I almost passed out because I vaguely remember having someone grab onto my arm and hold me up and then having trouble walking. I can't redo what happened this morning I can only focus on the next one and aim for better.
