Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 AM

5.3 mi


7:56 mi


139 bpm
169 bpm


74 F
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rpe7+. Left knee that I fell on at Austin is bruised. I am feeeling somethng in my left arch. This the issue that comes and goes and the issue that kept me away from running for 16-18 mnths. No worries. I monitor it as always and keep training....HR data incorrect early on. Finished with 5 x 30 sec strides. Ran those hard but in control. I certainly felt like I had another gear or 2 while running the strides. The easy run felt a little more difficult then I felt it should. A couple of things may have affect my preception of the degree of diifuculty on the run. Firstly, last night easy bike was longer then usuaul bc I did my workout and then coached a 2nd hr. Secondly, I have a couple of small injuries I am contending with. And lastly, I wonder if the track workouts have helped increase my leg turnover. I wonder if track has helped create that feel good feeling associated with running that has helped my rpe feel easier.
