Swim: Free Style Previous Next


8:04 PM

3400 yd


1:41 / 100yd


60 bpm
128 bpm
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opted for 2nd swim of the week instead of crit races. As much as I enjoy the crit races a 2nd swim was the correct workout bc I have 2 tris comng up over the 3 weekends..Including a long sprint this weekend. I felt uncomfortable in the water at times. Lmost like a panic feeling. Like the water was crushing my chest and I could not breath. I refuse to be afriad of the water. But that is almost what it felt like. I enjoy swimming but feel like I have a difficult time in this discipline. Interesting how I am able to put my body in much more distress on the bike and running then I am while swimming. And I dont want to stress myself that much while siwmming in a tri bc of the bike run to follow. But I feel iI should be able to put myself in more distress in practice.

I wore my speed suit. Not sure it made any diference. I will began using my watch to compare times in hopes that I will be able to determine if the spped suit helps. It should help. I makes anyone glide through the water better. Although it isnt buoyant it should still help.

warm up 500 yds.

main set 4x400. build on each 400. (1st 400 moderate, 2nd moderate but faster then last, 400 steady faster then lasrt, 4th 400 TT fastest.) See above data. All 400's were faster except for the final 400. Although it was the 3rd fastest 400 it wa still slower then 3rd 400. I have to maintain my form. When I try to go faster I work much hard , lose form, and slow down. Remember this. 50 easy

3x(200 moderate 200 steady) see above times. The times show that I executed this set fairly well.

50 cool down
