Swim: Free Style Previous Next


9:00 AM

3000 m


2:00 / 100m


48 F
  • Map

SMU Outdoor


rpe7-9+. Swam in lane faster than I should have been again. Beginning to think I should not do this. I got lapped 3 times.

warm 400 300 pull 300 swim 12x50 swim on 60 secs.(lots of recovery)

main set: 400 swim(got lapped. I only did 300) 200 hard, 300 swim (got lapped i only got 200) 200 hard, 200 swim 200 hard...cd 200

I feel good from yesterdays workout. I figured I am beginning more of a run phase type of trng beginning next week. Although I felt I could have run, I know i have lots of running coming up. So I rested from the running and did a swim bike....
