Swim: Free Style Previous Next


9:00 AM

2900 m


2:05 / 100m

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SMU Outdoor


rpe7-8+. warm up 300 swim plus 6x100 on 1:40(made all on ~1:33-1:36). Felt good about this. Solid effort for me. warm up continue 12x50 very easy. it was a kick set however I used it as time to work on my techinque. Very slow effort.

main set:

300 easy

2x150 on 2:30

2x150 on 2:20

2x150 on 2:10

The last 450 was a continuous swim since I did not make the interval. I felt good about my effort and enjoyed working up to the point that if I pushed it any harder I would loss quality and technique and began to fatigue to fast...

200 cooldown
