Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:00 AM

3050 m


2:04 / 100m

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rpe7-8. Felt pretty good today. Not exceptional fast but a solid swim!

warm up 400 swim

4x100 kick with fins. I do not do much kicking with fins...It always tweaks a hamstring of quad. But I kick alot while swimming. Today I kicked until I felt like my quads then did swim drill.

4x200 pull on 3:30. finished each 200 on 3mins with a 30sec recovery. Lots of rest.

main set:

6x150(odds 100 easy stop 10 secs. then continue 50 hard) (evens 125 easy stop 10 secs continue 25 hard) all on 3mins. Plenty of rest on each 150.

100 easy swim

12x25(odds easy on 30 secs evens all out on 40 secs. I had lots of rest on the hard.)

150 cool down
