Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:00 AM

2000 m


2:03 / 100m

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rpe 7+. kept it easy. Did some 500's and a couple of drills. I began with timing myself. However, I have developed a blood blister on my pinky toe that has been causing some discomfort. I developed this blister after tuesday am run. Last night blood began to pool. Even the water rushing over it as I kicked was distracting and discomforting. I cant wear any form of shoe especially a hard cycling shoe bc of swelling and pain, So this took my mind off of timing. I swam ~ 2000. Here again my toe really took my mind off of what I was doing.

With that said, It appears that I am down for at least 2 days no running or riding. I tryed riding that 10 miles yesterday to check mileage from my a.m. run and my foot was aching very noticeably. Did not sleep well last night bc every time I brushed my toe it woke me...No need to push it at this stage and cause farther delays. SO I will take today and tomorrow off from running and riding and see how it goes. My toe is inflammed and obviously infected today, However the pool eventually made it feel slightly better.
