Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:00 AM

3200 m


1:53 / 100m


155 lb
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rpe 7-8+. I am learning more and more how to enojy the swim...When I show up for swim there is no pressure...I know I cant swim in lane 1...When I show for a run or bike I am always in Lane 1(so to speak). I enjoy running and riding in Lane 1, I am guilty of putting to much pressure on myself when running and riding...I currently have more confidence in my swim than the run and to some part the bike...Everything basically comes down to not knowing what to expect come run time in an IM...So I am going to work hard to execute my trng plan and depend on that automatic pilot to take over come race day...What you said yesterday regards to how my mental game or preparation will change over the next couple of years of racing IM is so true. And is something that has helped me over my recovery week last week.

Todays swim: 400 warm up. 100 kick on 2mins 3x50 swim w/fins on :55 sec. = 1000m this was a warm up also. very easy effort. lots of rest. 10x100 swim on 1:40. This was a difficult set but not overly difficult...An effort in which I had to work to hit the intrval but did not have to blow up. I hit all on my intrvals. 2x200pull on 3:15mins 4x100 on 1:35. The 4x100 on 1:35's. I hit the 1st, 2nd, and 4th intvl on 1:35. However, the 3rd intrl was on 1:40. 1:35's are a continous swim for me...But thats ok. last 400 were very hard.
