Swim: Free Style Previous Next


3200 m


1:53 / 100m

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SMU Outdoor


rpe8-9. Difficult workout for me. At times I pushed slightly too hard and I felt like I lost my form just a bit. So I swam as fast as I could without losing form. I felt strong in the water. Although I was getting dropped on every 100m. I still felt strong. My Sunday swims are a good swim. Since I swim in a lane faster than I should be in, most times this swim turns into a few continuous long swims instead of several 100's or 200's as it is suppose to be.

warm up 500

6x150 900

main set:

4x100 on 1:35. I had trouble making this interval. I actaully never looked at clock. I assumed I was have trouble making the interval bc I fell behind on every 100.

200m hard

4x100 on 1:35 continuous swim.

200easy They must have pushed the pace on the 200 bc I got dropped on this 200 also. But did get about a 10-15sec recovery between this 200 and the next set

4x100 on 1:30. Continuous swim. This is where I began to lose form bc of my increase in effort. So I stopped trying to swim harder and stayed within myself by working on the best form I could do(with my limited knowledge on what good form feels like).

finished with 4x50 and they were not easy.
