Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:00 AM

2650 m


2:16 / 100m


155 lb
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rpe7-7+. Easy swim. Tuesdays are always stroke day. Since I only swim free I end up going much slower bc free is the easiest stroke to do relative to butterfly for sure...

warm up 400 + 6x50 easy

main set: I did all swim

3x 1x75 build, 1x25 sprint, 3x50 kick, 4x100. The splits were easy and longer bc most were doing stroke.

Left hamstring is gonna take sometime time to get over. Since todays swim was easy I did not kick as much as I usually do with my stroke..Thus not causing stress on my hamstring. Mccurdy wants to see more kick. Triathletes have been told soo much to save their legs on the swim for the bike and run that some have completely neglected the kick ....He has a good point. Dont kick like a swimming but you have to kick.
