Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:06 AM

7.1 mi


8:21 mi


44 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Very good run. I was determined to go out and hit some decent tempo miles. I think these are taking more effort than they should, or I am just a wuss. Miles 2-4 at tempo, recovery, and then feeling so good added a 4th in mile 6.

2: 7:42

3: 7:36

4: 7:52 : Always my toughest mile, but good this morning. Hills and I think long. This one goes the length of Easy St. and I was just floating down this, about as close to a runner's high as I get.

6: 7:28 : Smokin'

7:39 average, I'll take it.
