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6:27 AM

20.1 mi


7:56 mi


150 bpm
188 bpm
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20 mile long run

This was my first 20 miler of this training cycle. I've realized I actually prefer the long runs that have a workout component because they go by quicker. But, these kind of normal long runs are really good practice for patience and hanging in there. I've learned that no matter what, 20 miles is a long way to run and it's always going to feel like I'm running a long time. I don't think there's a way around that. I am never going to be an ultramarathoner!

This run started weird-I've had problems off and on lately with my left foot being sore-it's really an all over soreness and nothing I can pinpoint. When I first started running, my left foot was really sore and it felt like I was running on the outside of my foot. I am starting to think I need to find some foot mobility/stretching stuff I can do because it just feels like my mobility in that foot is suffering. Maybe it's calf related. Anyway, it took a couple of miles to feel like I was warming up and it was really about 6 miles in before I started to feel normal and relaxed. My pace warmed up pretty quickly so I guess the rest of my body was feeling good.

I ran a loop around East Nashville and then ran through downtown and up 17th. I ran over through my neighborhood a bit before coming back to Belmont and doing a little loop there and then going back down again. Lots and lots of hills. About 11 miles in I was starting to get tired which is never a great feeling when you have 9 more miles. I was worried I let loose with my pace too early and was going to suffer as it heated up. I think though it was the hills that were getting to me. I had been running net uphill for several miles since I ran from East Nashville and once I hit a few miles with less hills I felt better.

I put water out at mile 10 and then ran by Athlete's House around mile 16. I still got really thirsty by the end. I had my moments of being tired for this one and I had some soreness in my foot/calf at times but overall I feel like I finished strong. I was ready for it to be over but I wasn't dying or overly tired.
