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6:05 AM

10.1 mi


7:37 mi


159 bpm
177 bpm
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1 mile easy, 8 miles at 7:30, 1 mile easy

Good run. I was weirdly nervous about this one-I think because I was so tired yesterday, I wasn't sure how my legs would feel. But, I felt fine. Definitely better than yesterday. It was about 70 but pretty darn humid. I think the dew point was 66. Not bad but I got thirsty the last couple of miles. I'm not used to being thirsty on 10 mile runs-I forget how much I need to up my hydration in the summer.

I did the same route I usually do for this kind of run-the first two faster miles are net downhill, the next two basically retrace my steps so they're net uphill and then the rest is rolling with a few bigger hills in there. I like this route for a steady state run because it gives me a chance to warm up into the pace starting with a couple of easier miles. By the time the hills roll around, I'm ready.

I felt pretty good and in control but this was definitely not an easy effort. I'm trying to be patient with myself. I was definitely running controlled and smooth and I got in a rhythm. This isn't an easy pace for me but I am trying to remind myself I used to do marathon workouts at 7:10 and I'd pick flat routes and it would still be tough. This was hilly and I still felt strong.

My left leg didn't fatigue as much today as yesterday so maybe that means it's getting stronger. My stride felt better. However, I'm still having ankle soreness which is worrying me. I am trying to run normally and with good form and I don't think I've ever really been a pronator-I actually had to switch from stability shoes to neutral shoes a few years ago because the stability shoes were causing me to roll out. Not sure why I'd start pronating in my left leg-I've been doing everything I can to get that side stronger!!
