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3.1 mi


5:34 mi


60 F

Race Result



Not quite feeling it today, legs seemed a little fatigued for a pr performance or anything under 17. Didn't have very many people show up for the race that I knew. Race was poorly organized but course organization was decent spotters cops and mile splits.

I wasn't sure about two of the guys at the race they looked like they could have been fast. One guy went out with me who i have raced with before and knew i could beat him. I decided to go out strong and break away and just hang on for the rest of the race, it worked. I lost everyone by the first mile (5:21) and was a good 10-15 seconds in front of second and third. It was an out and back course so at halfway I eased up just a little knowing that I had it won. Second mile was (5:38) and mile three was 5:40 with a :34 second .1.

A little disappointed with having amazing race weather and not feeling up to par and no one else to push me this morning.
