Run: Marathon Previous Next


8:00 AM

12.1 mi


6:17 mi


38 F
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MP portion of 2 mi E, 15 mi @ MP, 2 mi E

Rough day - went out to Hopkinton to cover the first 9 or so miles of the course. Digestive issues were the first problem as I had to make a stop at mile 5. Aside from that, the out portion of the out and back was going well. The first few downhills were crazy fast, definitely going to just jog them on race day. Was targeting 6:10 pace to see how it felt. It felt real comfortable up until the turnaround. I was staring to get a little tired before turning around, but not too bad. I think I would have been fine to hold the pace, except I got hammered by a massive headwind as soon as I turned around at mile 10.5. The pace immediately dropped from 6:10 to 6:20, 30, then 40, and the effort to keep that pace went way up. I could only manage 3-4 more miles into the wind before I called it - it was much too hard and I was going to do more harm than good. The rest of the jog back was miserable, as I was cold and totally spent.

Was hoping this day would be a good confidence boost, but now I'm shaken. The wind really was brutal, but this still makes me question if I can do this. Not sure what to do now.
