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11:00 AM

13.1 mi


5:40 mi


45 F

Race Result

62 / 2358 (2.6%)


Great race - my fitness level is way ahead of anything I've experienced. Was planning to run about 5:45's. Started out somewhat conservative, trying to keep the pace comfortable and smooth, and it was a little slow over the first few miles, but that was fine with me. A few hills started around mile 2-3, were done by 4. I was running a bit by myself through this stretch, but caught a group on the big hill. When they reached the top they picked up the pace, and I went with them, clocking a 5:36 mile. The next mile started at 5:30 pace, which worried me, as I thought it was too fast, and I decided to let them go, even though they were all I had to help with the significant headwind. Fortunately, just after I let up a little, trying to back it up to 5:40 or so, they also slowed a bit, so I got to keep their company. Stuck on the heels of a big guy through mile 7 or 8, which helped with the wind.

Around 7 or 8, the little pack I had been running with started breaking up, and I pushed ahead. Fortunately their were other groups coming back a bit, and I latched on with another 2 or 3 guys and worked with them through about mile 9, I think. Pace was around high 5:30's through this stretch to mile 10, and then one other guy and I picked it up. My calves were tiring here, and I was worried that I would pay for it, but I never did. I just can't believe how strong I am right now. I kept 5:30 flat pace through miles 11 and 12, and then picked it up even more on mile 13 despite the big hill. Also had some downhill to help as well. Mile 13 in 5:22. Wow. I had done a little math around mile 10 and I realized I had a shot at sub 1:14 (which blew me away). Saw the clock as I hit 13 and sprinted it in - 1:14:02 on my watch, 1:14:04 on official results. Awesome - better than I ever dared to hope at the beginning of this training cycle.

I was passing lots of runners through the last 3 miles, and obviously had plenty left. In fact, if I hadn't picked it up in the last mile, I probably could have gone another 1 or 2 at that pace. My last 3 miles were 5:30, 5:30, 5:22, which makes me think I went too conservatively at the beginning. Which would mean I could have gone faster. I'm still new at these longer races, I'll have to work on getting the feel for the right pace.

Plugged it into Mcmillan, and saw a 16:01 5k. There's a goal for the summer. Also have to process what this means for Boston. Is sub 2:40 really possible?

Overall, great day, great race, great feeling.

A few fun #'s:

last 10 miles - 56:11 - a 1 min PR over last month's prev PR

last 10k - 34:35 - a 45 second PR

last 5 miles - 27:51 - a PR

last 5k - 16:55
