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5:35 AM

29.3 mi


10:37 mi


143 bpm
181 bpm


6 / 10
5 / 10
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Afton State Park

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Missed the elevation target by a bit today - really thought my loop was more per lap when I measured it out in advance. I was at about 4200’ of gain in the first 26 miles. FWIW - my Garmin measured about 920’ of gain per lap and measured 1020’ of gain per lap. This loop was at Afton State Park, and there were 3 main hills per each 5.5mi loop. Most of the gain was divided out fairly equal on the three hills.

Woke up not feeling 100%, I think Laura and Norah have a cold - but felt good enough to run. Ended up pouring rain for over 3 hours in the middle - got quite chilly but just pushed through. Gave my new shoes a solid test; mud, water, hills, generally performed well. They slipped some on deeper mud, but handled the ups and downs fine. My miles were super consistent - although I think I could have pushed the pace a bit more, I went at probably too safe of a pace. Had time on the feet fatigue towards the end, but handled it all pretty easily. Drank one bottle of Roctane and 10 gels - 1150cal total (220 cal/hr). No hunger pains or any energy issues. Drank to thirst, but stopped to pee about 20x. Took 5 salt tabs too.
