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8:43 AM

36.3 mi


10:00 mi


130 bpm
163 bpm


73 F


6 / 10
5 / 10
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Afton State Park

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I'm on the fence about this run; it was a good effort, my head stayed in the game, got in a 6 hour run - but I think the "hot" weather and sun, first time in 2019 on the trails, and my first real downhills in a long time ate me up pretty quickly. By mile 15, I was feeling heaviness in my legs - not like an overtrained heaviness, but a wobbly, not used to running downhills heaviness. I survived the run, and generally kept positive.

950cal of Perpetuem

360 cal of Gel

100oz of water (20oz / hr the last 2 hours)

9 Endurolytes

4 Race Cap Supremes
