Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:07 PM

6 mi


7:59 mi


227.2 lb


48 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Awesome run! I really like this route for 6 mile runs; I think I'll continue to use it. I'm almost guaranteed to turn in a fast first couple of miles since I'm going past the library and Courtney's house and then I didn't lose any of my groove as I mixed it into my normal inlet 4 mile course. I hit all the hills hard and my form felt great the entire time. Lots of stretches where I was going at a 7:45 or even 7:30 pace. About the only time I started to feel it was the decline and incline back up along the cemetery. I definitely slowed down there although it's not really reflected too badly in my split; I guess I made it back up on the way back down Felt St. I could have turned in an even faster run, but I think I pushed it to about the point I wanted to without risking getting hurt or putting too much stress on my knees since I'm not really used to running this distance in the last couple of months. My knees hurt just a tad on a couple of hills, but for the most part I did a really good job keeping my legs underneath me and landing on my mid-foot. I ate a bunch of sugar today and I felt pretty manic and super confident cuz I was thinking about Courtney and I'm sure all of that had a lot to do with my mental state for this run, but I really felt great overall. I pushed it hard and turned in good splits, but never really felt like I was that close to my limit. A great platform for some more high-intensity runs!
