Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:11 PM

5.9 mi


9:25 mi


40 F


5 / 10
10 / 10
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Amazing run. I don't know where this speed has come from. Is it the increase of mileage? Is it the perfect weather? Is it my state of mind? I don't know but it's great. Had a fall in the first mile - slowed down just a bit, but then just let myself run to feel. Didn't try and keep a certain pace. I never felt out of breath, my legs didn't tire (until the cool down when I relaxed). Over the last few runs I just feel so free, so in control of my breath and my movement. I will continue to do my tempo and long runs by feel. I don't want to keep myself from going faster - holding myself back at a slower pace, but I also don't want to go to fast and injure myself. I will just pull back if i'm tired, but assume that all the miles of speed work that i've done over the years is finally paying off as i increase the mileage to compliment it. I want to just go to an half mary and run it to see what I could do - but i will hold off and continue to build my endurance...
