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11:21 PM

6.5 mi

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<No name>


Richmond Run with Tommy. I told Tommy it was going to be four miles, but I kept going further and further. It was also a cold morning, so I wore a scuba suit jacket for warmth. Yesterday, was the natural Richmond, but today we ran through the urban sprawl. Starting from my house, we ran down from church hill towards Gillies Creek park, where all the black folk smoke the Mary Jane on the scorching summer nights to forget the reality of life. We headed onto the capital trail towards downtown. I made Tommy run up the capital steps in awe of Thomas Jefferson's premiere neo-classical architecture, the first public building to have the classical architecture in the United States and spotted a glimpse of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the cathedral of the confederacy. We cut through MCV, the medical center of Virginia at VCU and saw the night shift workers getting off their shift and checking their instagrams for the first time in 9 hours heading over the Leigh street viaduct where there was a magnificent view of the early morning sun shining on Richmond. We turned back on Marshall towards my house and passed SVB Rosa the local bakery we ate at later that morning.
