Run: Mixed MP Tempo Previous Next


11:39 AM

14 mi


6:28 mi


50 F
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Whoo! This is what I'm talking about when I tell people I love marathon training. I felt unstoppable on this workout. Did 3 miles easy, then 3 miles at MP, straight into 2 miles at tempo, straight into another 3 at MP. The first MP mile felt a little quick and I was having trouble finding the right pace, but then I got into a groove and had to hold myself back. The 2 miles at tempo in the middle felt fast but good. I debated doing 3 but didn't want to over-exert myself this close to the marathon. The final 3 miles at MP felt quick but very smooth and effortless. I actually wanted to keep running that pace and had to force myself to stop and cooldown.
