Run: Long Previous Next


20 mi


11:00 mi


34 F
  • Map

Random Route


I ran 20 miles while listening to solarmixes and dAAvemixes. I sure appreciate the time they dedicated to put the mixes together.

My goals for this run:

Run an 11 minute pace evenly and not do my yo-yo stile of running.

Concentrate on form, relaxation and breathing past mile 15 (which is when I normally start slouching)

Run carefully not slip on the snow (which was icy in most places)

Memorize Dirt's speech... got as far as...

Often you see paralysis and stagnation and drift. You don’t like it, and neither do I. What can we do?

Things I learned in my run:

I need to hydrate more even when is cold.

Getting better with the food intake, could have taken another gu.

By concentrating on my form from mile 15 on I was able to keep a relax pace and not slow down when the body is glycogen depleted. I felt pretty good the entire run considering that I did a speed work just two day prior to this run.
