Run: Easy Previous Next


11:00 AM

3 mi


16:39 mi


177 lb


60 F


4 / 10
6 / 10


New approach: I'm going to try running more days but shorter sometimes. I plan to do a couple of sessions not on the OHR. I woke up still tired from yesterday's run, but the weather was so nice I decided to run anyway--a short run. I decided to do just the part that I like best, so I drove the car down to the bulletin board and ran from there to the stop sign--about 1.5 mile (I thought it was farther until I plotted it). I added a short "sprint" at the end of the running, and a short uphill run when I was nearly back to the car. The whole thing was done in about 45 minutes, and I felt invigorated instead of worn out. I will try this from time to time to get more calories burned and keep my hand in.

One other thing: I found my iPod lacked a charge when I started, so I had to run without it. I think I noticed my effort and how much farther to go more. It was also harder to decide on a pace. But I enjoyed hearing the natural sounds.
