Run: 3000m pace Previous Next


5:57 PM

6.8 km


5:04 km


153.5 lb
157 bpm
188 bpm
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5 x 3 minutes with 3 minute recoveries, no footpod. Began conservatively, at 10.2mph, but put it progressively up to 10.5mph in that interval and then kept it there until the last interval, when I progressed all the way to 11 (but averaged 10.7). The workout felt easier as it went along - which was kinda surprising, but I'm of course getting stronger and more efficient on the treadmill besides. Stronger's good and some of the efficiency involves less contact time with the ground, so that's good.

In short, major boost.

Training Plan Entry

VO2Max Intervals

5 x (3 min @ 3:30-3:38/km with 3 min. recovery jogs).

Treadmill to figure out how your heart rate data will look ideally.
