Run: Easy-Moderate Previous Next


2:14 PM

8.4 km


4:50 km


145 bpm
216 bpm


9 C


6 / 10
7 / 10
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Continuing to recover. Today felt all right if a bit strained, but entered "easy" pace for the first time. Regardless at about 33 minutes I felt a distinct wall, which I nearly tried pushing through. Somehow hitting "lap" convinced me to treat that last seven minutes as recovery and all was well that ended slowly. Can't wait to get back.

Average cadence: 182; Max cadence: 192. I guess this gadget is pretty interesting - looking forward to seeing what my cadence goes to when things are back to normal and include hills and intervals. If my turnover is that fast I clearly need to focus on lengthening my stride. Reading the Jack Daniels book and can't WAIT to get going. It was worth saying twice.

Will probably do a relaxed morning run tomorrow and take the weekend off completely so I can be fresh as daisies for Monday and then the Wednesday workout. Considering doing doubles on Thursdays now, just a recovery in the morning, then an easy run in the evening. Maybe too excited again.
