Run: Stamina Previous Next


11:37 AM

7.2 km


5:05 km


8 / 10
10 / 10
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Whatta great workout, and totally unexpected. The only one I even remotely struggled on was the ninth interval, uphill, into wind, and it still didn't go that poorly. The downhill ones with the wind at my back didn't even exist. So much of an improvement over when I did 5 of these at 3:46 before that 5k around Kent's Pond, ... so I tacked on another 4 x 2min (see next activity unless I can merge the two files). The only problem is...I'm not so willing to play Sunday conservative. Do I do the first couple km in 3:47 (uphill) to leave a high 36 available? Sounds crazy. More thinking needed, more feeling those hills. I have a sense of the effort I'm capable of, anyway.
