Run: Hill Previous Next


5:58 AM

7 mi


11:46 mi


65 F
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<No name>


Warm up: 3 miles easy running, 10:55-11:35/mile

Main workout: 7-8 x 90 seconds uphill hard with a jog back down in between (or 90 seconds very easy if on treadmill, not counting time for belt to adjust)

Cool down: 2 miles easy running, 10:55-11:35/mile

Weather wasn't too terrible, but like I've said before, hill repeats are tough at any temperature. My legs definitely felt it on the last two repeats. The 1st 3 intervals were kind of all over the place, but starting with #4, I got faster with each one, and finished #8 with my fastest average pace. I took a walk break of about a tenth of a mile at the start of the cool down, then switched to a jog, and my legs didn't feel quite as bad as I expected. Still, I didn't do a full 2 miles for the cool down, stopping right around 7 miles total, partially due to my legs and partially due to the time.
