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3:04 PM

24.6 mi


20.21 mi / hr

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10 min easy lvl 13, 25 min building 92-94-96-98-100rpm for 5min each lvl 13, 5 min easy lvl 13, 12x30 sec hard lvl 18 + 70 sec 95rpm lvl 13, 5 min easy lvl 13, 3x2 on 1 off lvl 13. Overall really solid simulation of the rotary workout. Did my best to hydrate all day and hydrate while on the bike but my calf still cramped up and caused me to cut the fartlek short. Other than the cramp it was pretty enjoyable being able to grind without any aches or pains is pretty dope. Hopefully my calf loosens up a bit overnight so that I can x-train in the morning without it feeling like garbage.
